David Meerman Scott kicked off HubSpot's Inbound 2012 conference in Boston with a lively keynote titled "Inbound Now" detailing how to get found as people search for products and services on the Web and mobile devices like Androids and iPads. The talk to 2,500+ entrepreneurs and marketing professionals focused on the 4 ways to create the information that search engines rank highly and that people share on social networks like Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.
David used music examples throughout the talk, including references to his book Marketing Lessons from the Grateful Dead (at 31:40), and a video interview with Amanda Palmer who crowdsourced the funding of her latest album on Kickstarter in what is the most successful music funding effort in Kickstarter history (at 5:20).
The finale of David's talk includes a live Q&A with music icon Cyndi Lauper about how she stays relevant and how she reaches her fans through social media (at 40:45). The interview was followed by Cyndi's live performance of "Crossroads" with her band including blues harmonica legend Charlie Musselwhite (at 45:10).